ASUS is a utility company whose 300 or so employees help military installations in eight states rebuild and maintain their water and wastewater infrastructure. The company has always valued safety, but after a trench collapse in 2018 nearly seriously injured an employee, its managers began to ask themselves what more they could do to ensure team safety, beyond sending out safety teams for the occasional inspection. That same night, ASUS Employee Health and Safety Manager, Travis Adams, researched and found Safety Reports.

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Today, ASUS uses several of Safety Reports eight safety products to implement an innovative safety program that has taken them well past OSHA compliance. Safety Reports has allowed their company to:

  • Establish two-way communication between management and employees to respond in real-time to new issues and incidents, such as the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Build customized pre- and post-inspection checklists that ensure worksites stay safe 24/7 for both employees and military personnel
  • Set up automated reporting and trend analysis that proactively identifies and communicates corrective actions for their field teams to take
  • Establish a culture of safety—not a document on a shelf, but a living breathing thing—that has become a point of pride among their employees

Now, ASUS doesn’t sweat an OSHA inspection, because they know that when the inspectors arrive, they can take the lead in showing everything they are doing to promote a culture of safety. And with over 10,000 inspections and 260,000 observations logged every year in the Safety Reports, there is nothing to hide. Check out our webinar to learn more about how ASUS uses Safety Reports to support the full lifecycle of its safety program.